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Geraniums: the show-stopping blossoms

"If I do live again, I would like to be as a flower – no soul but perfectly beautiful. Perhaps for my sins I shall be made a red geranium!"
Oscar Wild

Geraniums make a bold garden statement. They represent happiness and positive emotions. Attractive leaves, bright-coloured petals, soothing fragrance and a zeal to survive both droughts and sunlight; Geraniums have stood the test of time. They add a splash of class to the yard, in garden beds or in hanging pots, window boxes and other arrangements; the versatility makes them the hot favourite of gardeners across the globe. These bright evergreen perennials, some variegated, others ivy leafed, are easy to grow and display a colour palette ranging from pompous purple to wondrous white to pretty pink to blood red to soothing pastels, to bi-coloured, double-petalled varieties.

Their galore and profound flowering can light up any spot. The charm of boxes filled with Geraniums has mesmerized everyone in almost all the European balconies, the trend picking up in India as well. Night temperatures ranging from 15-18 degrees Celsius and day temperatures between 21-23 degrees Celsius enhances their performance. On crossing this range their growth slows but they do not cease to be show-stoppers.

Some important things to be kept in mind while growing Geraniums :

  1. Buy the best quality sapling or seeds to convert the efforts into a bountiful result. Quality of the plant matters!
  2. When night temperature dips below 13°C, bring them indoors.
  3. Pay attention to the colour and size before buying to attain the visualized effect in the landscaping planning.
  4. Do not buy any plant that shows signs of disease or pests.
  5. Geraniums hate water-logging. Water them on demand.
  6. Make sure that the pots have proper drainage holes to prevent root rot.
  7. Fibrous potting mixture, not clayey or soggy, and at least five hours of sunlight is needed for resplendent bloom.
  8. Geraniums love rich soil. A soil rich in humus and manure should be filled in the pots followed by monthly dose of manure. Add little bone meal, neem cake and vermicompost for miraculous results.
  9. Both the flowers and aromatic foliage of geraniums are edible and health-beneficial while its essential oils are good for skin and hair.
  10. Pots and baskets remain an ideal choice as they can be shifted as per the weather conditions.
  11. They do not thrive in hot summers. High summer heat can take its toll on geraniums.
  12. Keep the pot and beds weed free. Keep removing the spent flowers to give way to new buds and fresh look.
  13. The leaves may turn dry and brown due to varied reasons. Fungus remains the main culprit. Avoid excess moisture and humidity. If common houseplant pests are detected, spray with insecticidal soap every other day as long as you see signs of pests.
  14. Nourish the plant on fortnightly basis with organic manure and leaf mould.
  15. Pinching the growing tips will encourage new side-shoots and make the plant bushy. As soon as the flower buds show, weekly application of diluted liquid manure will add deep colour to foliage and flowers.

Geraniums are ‘happy flowers’. They have grace and charm showing perfect loyalty to the gardener’s hard work. Visit the nearest nursery and upgrade your collection as each year something new will catch your sight. The more you work with them, the more boisterous would be the bloom they’ll reward you with.

Geraniums are true example of less efforts, heartfelt results!