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ZamiaImage ZamiaHover Image

Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a lush and green plant that also goes by the name Zanzibar gem, as it is native to eastern Africa. Although primarily a foliage plant, Zamioculcas may occasionally produce flowers. This easy to grow plant can be placed indoors or outdoors.

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SpathiphyllumImage SpathiphyllumHover Image

Spathiphyllum, also known as Peace lily, is a popular houseplant. The dark green leaves are the perfect background for the creamy white, hooded flowers. The plant is easy to grow and low maintenance, making it great for beginners.

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Epipremnum (Money Plant)Image Epipremnum (Money Plant)Hover Image

Epipremnum aureum is a species in the arum family Araceae. This plants goes by many names like money plant, devil's ivy and pothos. This evergreen plant is characterised by thick, green, heart-shaped leaves with splashes of yellow or white. It can be grown indoors, on a tree as a climber or even as is outdoors. A hardy plant, it is native to the southeastern parts of Asia.

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Chlorophytum ( Spider )Image Chlorophytum ( Spider )Hover Image

Chlorophytum is a genus of about 150 species of flowering plants in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). The plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Many are grown as ornamentals and as indoor plants. Hardy, easy to propagate and grow, the plants are characterised by long, narrow leaves and small flowers.

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OxycardiumImage OxycardiumHover Image

Philodendron hederaceum is commonly known as Oxycardium and is characterised by glossy, large, heart-shaped, dark green leaves. It is a popular indoor plant, however the flexible trailing vines can be made to trail on walls or a trellis. The plant is so easy to maintain and can survive in low light, making it great for beginners.

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Pilea PeperomoidesImage Pilea PeperomoidesHover Image

This plant goes by many names including Chinese money plant, coin plant and pancake plant. The leaves are round or coin shaped, and have a long petiole with a slender succulent stem. It is a popular houseplant due to its attractive foliage and it is low maintenance as well.

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