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Vegetable Seeds
Beetroot is also known as “garden beet”. It is sweet in taste and is healthy having antioxidant properties. Best time to grow beetroots is from July to August. It is a versatile vegetable & it is easy to grow.
Nutritive value : Beetroots come packed with calcium, iron, vitamins, A and C. Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid and a good source of fibre, potassium and manganese.
01 | Sowing Techniques in home garden: Take a seedling tray with medium sized cells having drainage holes at the bottom & fill the cells/cups with a moist coco-peat medium & sow 2-3 seeds per cell/cup & avoid sowing them very deep, push the little seeds 0.5cm deep in soil medium with your fingers & completely cover them with surrounding soil/medium. |
02 | Thinning: If more than one seed has germinated per hole, cut off the smaller seedlings & only keep one seedling per hole. Harvestable Beetroots will gradually develop. |
03 | Water the sown seeded trays immediately with a light shower, seeds will germinate within the first 6 days or even much earlier & tiny seedlings will be visible with first leaves. Baby seedlings will be visible in 10-15 days. |
01 | Beetroot plants require full sunlight (6-8 hours) in winter, so place your containers accordingly. |
02 | Watering technique: Water your Beetroot container/raised bed every day in the form of a light shower with watering can. Use sprinklers for watering the Beetroot plants outdoors. |
03 | Manuring: Add optimum quality organic manure with 2:1 ratio before sowing the seeds. Use organic manure, well rotten cow dung manure, farmyard manure, Compost or Vermicompost. Avoid adding nitrogen fertilizers in the later stages of plant growth for better root formation. |
04 | Plant care: Look for the early signs of fungal / insect infestation. Spray appropriate medicines as soon as any symptoms are visible. |
05 | Harvesting: About 80-90 days after sowing, Beetroots can be harvested by uprooting. You need to uproot them from the soil along with the whole plant. |
06 | Disclaimer: This information is exclusively given by experts when tried and tested in our trial fields. The performance of variety / hybrid may vary under different agro climatic / seasonal condition / cultural schedules |
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